Thursday, August 26, 2010

Part II: The Power in You!

Last post, I talked about my concept of an interdimensional universe, in which we inscribe everything we live in this 3D world in an interdimensional energy configuration, which I’m calling the “psychic anatomy,” as I learned from the writings of Ernest Norman.

This becomes a blueprint, like self-created software, that powers all future lifetimes, constantly feeding information into our present existence, even if it’s a flawed or destructive influence. (Simple examples: an old battle wound that remanifests as cancer in the present lifetime, or as a birthmark, or as a passionate emotional connection to the instigator of that wound, or theirs toward you, or all of the above! The possibilities are infinite!)

In my last post, I called this “indestructible” energy. That’s not entirely accurate. More importantly, the patterns of information in your psychic anatomy are indeed changeable—by you! But as none of us live separate from all else, the actual process of making such changes involves a lot of energetic input and assistance from higher dimensions. I can’t begin to tell you in a blog how that all works! But I’ve experienced it.

Skimming over my 35 years of intensive study of interdimensional science, which I still don’t fully understand and probably never will as far as I can foresee, let’s just say I was completely surprised to find myself studying my own past lives. I never went looking for that! But once I began to grasp this clever little fact about “permanently inscribed energy-information,” which I had created and stored with everything I’d ever done in countless lifetimes, a scientific concept of reincarnation became “permanently” embedded in my conscious thoughts. Inescapable truth.

Then, after a long series of experiences with past-life recall and subsequent healing, the idea of having lived before was no longer just a theory. Real and true and provable and proven, in the only way anything ever can be: through my personal experience.

So when I view anything at all in my life, I’m viewing it through a lens that is shaped by a wide concept of myself as an interdimensional, eternal, energetic being. Everything I do matters that much more. Everything I do creates and shapes energy-information that becomes a permanent part of me, like writing on Facebook! ;-) And some things I’ve done in the past have really screwed up my present. That’s life, right? Nothing new about that, and over time, we gradually evolve into better ideas and better ways of relating to the universe.

But by studying the interdimensional nature of consciousness, I learned a fast way of speeding my personal evolution. I don’t go walking around looking for past-life connections in every tiny thing (don’t laugh—I know some people who do). But if a problem starts to dominate my life and interfere egregiously, and if I go ferreting around to find out what the past-life connections are,

  • (a) I get lots of help and the information manifests in myriad ways if I'm willing to recognize it, and
  • (b) if I hit upon the true original cause and accept it, and
  • (c) if I’ve set up all the right interdimensional connections and done my homework between lifetimes in preparation, then
  • (d) I can experience a rather dramatic healing, during which the energies inscribed in my psychic anatomy are changed so that the offending past-life incident no longer affects me in a negative way.
It doesn’t completely go away, mind you. Only the pattern of information is changed, rendered harmless. I will need to know of my past mistakes and traumas because they are part of the learning I came here to acquire. But the fangs are pulled; I can view whatever it was objectively and it no longer causes me harm by interfering in the energetic systems that support my body and my consciousness in daily life.

Et voilĂ —many people call that “past life therapy.” A more modern description would be that it's an advanced form of Energy Psychology.

That’s why I had to bring up this subject of past lives, which few people want to know about. (Most folks sense that it might not be pretty.) Although past-life healing has been one of my most significant and life-improving Soul Pursuits, several lesser branches of this interdimensional energy science are more commonly recognized in the present day and therefore of more interest to the general reader.
I’ve been asked to write about my experience and training in two of those branches: Eden Energy Medicine and sooner or later, I’m going to have to rail on and cheer about its cousin, Energy Psychology.
They are both precursers to the full study of the psychic anatomy (although I studied them last, after I already knew how vital they are). They provide basic knowledge every kid on the planet should be taught at a young age! Both are magnificent assets in the field of self-healing. Although they function more at the surface level of your present physical lifetime, EM and EP can lead you deeper, in your understanding and in your healing. But that’s a subject for a future day!

So until we chat again, may all your life experiences provide wonderful, positive, constructive energies for you to draw upon in all your future incarnations! Or at least the hard-won wisdom which results from all your traumas, tragedies, and other learning experiences.


  1. Wow Lianne, your breadth and depth of knowledge of the metaphysical (and all that entails) is extraordinary. I've done my fair share of reading and research over the course of my adult life, but do not profess to have such a broad scope of information and understanding as you. So I write from perhaps a more limited view point, but still very much enjoy sharing my perspective.
    I have not personally had experience of past lives, in the visceral sense. But during a "soul reading" a number of years ago, four past lives were revealed as they apparantly pertained to this one. It was both fascinating and informative and I could see how those particular lives impacted on who I am today. They seemed to me more general in nature than specific.
    I have a great interest in the concept of how much our past lives influence the experiences we have today. I'm not sure how comfortably I sit with the notion, that events from our past lives can affect this life without our prior knowledge (specifically speaking) such as whether we become ill or such like.
    The teachings of Abraham (through Jerry and Esther Hicks)have provided for me the greatest clarity and understanding of our multidimensional engergetic world. From their perspective, they say we each come into the physical experience with broad objectives for our life this time round. Also, that we get to choose our particular life circumstances that will help facilitate and augment our objectives. But apart from that, what we experience after our birth is up to us. They state our main reason for coming into physical form is to experience joy and contrast. We add to the expansion of the Universe through our desires and the process of manisfestation. They propose we do not come here to learn lessons or to burn karma or any of those things. When I first read of these concepts, I was very surprised as they are in pretty much opposition to other ideas I had read. But as I processed this information, it felt so right to me. I somehow balk at the idea, that events can occur in this life that I am "unaware" of and are perhaps out of my control. I find when I am in alignment with my inner being/source energy/non-physical perspective, my life runs, oh so smoothly. It has also led to the discovery and experience of healing in a range of forms. Are some of these healings to do with past lives? I couldn't be sure. I do know that living life according to Abrahams teachings has allowed me access to the broader perspective and I have learned to trust that quiet, steady, all-loving voice, that is my true self.

    Thanks for the opportunity to discuss a fascinating subject of which I have much to learn!

  2. Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Helen! Joseph & I have had a few discussions on these subjects & decided to take them up in subsequent blog posts. Indeed, he might speak of rabbits! hahaha (When I finally write about them, it's going to spoil all the fun, isn't it?) Thank you again for your kind words & encouragement -- you're one of the reasons we're writing this blog! (And the rabbits, of course!) More to come ---
